Navajo Churro Sheep
Navajo-Churro Sheep Association
Contact Us

Navajo Churro raw fleece source directory.

Click on any of the links below to go to independent offerings of Navajo-Churro Sheep Association member's web sites, offering raw fleeces. For yarns and other more processed products, click here to go to the Fiber Products page.

To be listed, here's the requirements:
* Farms must be paid up members of the N-CSA.
* Fleeces are produced from Navajo-Churro sheep (obviously). Heavy skirting is encouraged to make sure recipients get high quality fleeces.
* $10 annual fee is paid to the N-CSA office (click here for info). Fee also allows inclusion into the fiber products & creations page. A short descriptive paragraph of the fleeces, as well as a photograph, should be sent with the fee.

We3Ewes Farm

Raw fleeces & Roving available ....
214-433-0166 (Texas)


French Creek Hill Farm
Dave Vind
N26992 Tolokken Rd
Arcadia, WI 54612

We have Navajo Churro fleeces in a wide variety of colors. Machine spun yarn available in various weights. Tanned pelts also available.


Lazy S Spring
PO Box 265
Pine, CO 80421

FB farm page

FB Biz page:

Wool and organic products
